Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Wheels!

I used three of Chris's files for this layout - New Wheels!. her Helmet file, and her motorcycle file. My hubby bought a motorcycle earlier this month, and I thought these files were perfect. I kept the colors neutral, since his bike and helmet are black, but if you look at the sample cut files here:


you can definitely see that these files can be made as personalized as you want for your rider. The New Wheels! file also comes with a tricycle, but I didn't think hubby would approve of that on this layout. :)

Happy crafting!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another challenge file idea

I just finished painting my kitchen recently and it just need a little extra added touch to it.
I had thought about purchasing border, but then Chris came out with her new design challenge.
That hen just kind of POPPED out at me. That's when the ideas started flowing! Why not make my own border out of vinyl? I had brown already but needed some tan. Then decided that I could add the grass file. I jumped on over to the paperthreads store, ordered the vinyl I needed. I couldn't believe it when the vinyl arrived 3 days later. Talk about fast service!! Anyway, here's what I came up with.
Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I attend a retreat twice yearly in Berea, Kentucky. I've been doing this for the past 3 years and have made many great scrap friends thru that time. These photos were taken at the retreat in April of this year. I can't wait until the Fall retreat roles around!! 3 days of fun filled scrapping! Seeing old friends and making new ones. That's what it's all about! When I saw the Friends file in the challenges, I knew they were just meant for this layout. :)