Here is my layout for the September sketch challenge at
VisualDesignsbyChris. I selected my picture first then went looking for papers and had a hard time finding something in my stash to match the colors in the photo. I finally settled for black, white and the wave paper. I used bazzil leather looking paper to cut the swirls and title frame. The small top piece of paper is the back of the wave paper. Just small yellow dots and lines and some orange dots, you can barely see them. The photo mat, title mat, and swirls are all in the challenge file this month. I love all the elements from the file. The dragon fly charms are from, where else ...
a charming place.
Thanks for looking - Sandra from NC
Digi-Cutter Files offered in SCUT, GSD, KNK, WPC & AI (SVG) at www.visualdesignsbychris.com