Sandra from NC here - decided to say who I was first because I always forget at the end :).
Here's my May challenge layout! I loved how Chris' file cut for this! I really like the hearts :-). I stayed monochromatic with the colors and love how it turned out. I combined this challenge with a theme challenge at PT "One moment in Time"- the title of my page is from the file provided by I Scrap Designs for that challenge. I used an Angel charm from on the tag by the picture.
I had several oppsies on this page **rolling my eyes here**. First I applied glue to the back page so I wouldn't accidentially move my top patterned paper once I had it placed. I went too far on the left of the paper therefore the solid strip is not in the middle - lol. Second, I don't sew often and I've recently had my machine maintained because it wasn't working. Well, I didn't sew on anything else first to get all the oil off - grrrr. So I have oil splatters on the paper. Oh well, I thought. Part of the theme challenge was to use distressing too so that will just be part of my distressing - lol.
In case you can't read it, here is my journaling - and be warned, it could produce tears...
"If I had one more moment with you, I would tell you
• how much I love you
• how proud I am of you
• what a handsome young man you became
• what a wonderful Christian you are
• how much I miss you
• how your short life touched mine & others
• I would ask you to tell Peter, Mike & your Great-Grandparents… I love them.
Then, I would hug you long and hard and say goodbye."
Jason is my nephew. He died 10 days after he turned 17 in a weather related car accident along with his best friend. It has been 11 years and I still miss him terribly and can only imagine how much my brother's family misses him.
Thanks for looking!
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